War Angel

Presenting the show-stopping grand finale piece, the “War Angel”! This magnificent firework is the epitome of excitement and will leave your audience in awe with its stunning display of bright colours and thunderous bangs.

With 16 shots packed into a single firework, the “War Angel” promises a symphony of dazzling effects that will light up the night sky. Each shot bursts forth with a vibrant explosion, painting the canvas of the sky with a cascade of vivid hues.

Prepare to be amazed as the “War Angel” unleashes an array of bright colours, including vibrant blues, fiery reds, brilliant greens, and more. These radiant colours dance and intertwine, creating a mesmerising visual spectacle that captivates the eyes of all who witness it.

But it’s not just about the colours. The “War Angel” also delivers powerful and thunderous bangs that reverberate through the air, adding an extra level of excitement and anticipation to the performance. Each bang serves as a punctuation mark, intensifying the overall impact and ensuring an unforgettable grand finale.

As the “War Angel” takes center stage, it commands attention and leaves a lasting impression. Its combination of bright colors and big bangs creates a truly remarkable display that marks the grand finale of your Northern Territory Day celebration.

Please remember to handle fireworks responsibly and follow all safety guidelines and regulations. Enjoy the dazzling beauty and explosive power of the “War Angel” as it takes your fireworks display to new heights, creating an unforgettable experience for everyone in attendance.

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War Angel

16 Shots of bright colours and big bangs